On October 18th, 2023, Graham O’Connor collided with the boards while playing hockey and immediately sensed something was amiss in his right arm. He made an urgent visit to Royal Inland Hospital (RIH), where he was assessed and admitted to the Teck Emergency Department. Emergency Physician Dr. Todd Ring, along with a team of emergency medical staff jumped into action, addressing his pain and arranging for diagnostic imaging. What Graham initially thought was a dislocated elbow, turned out to be a terrible triad injury, encompassing not only a dislocation but also fractures to his radial head and coronoid process. The emergency team at RIH efficiently realigned Graham’s elbow, secured it in a sling, and scheduled a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon for the following day.

During his consultation, Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Bourget-Murray, informed Graham that reconstructive surgery was necessary. On October 22nd, 2023, Graham found himself being wheeled into the operating room. During surgery, Dr. Bourget-Murray discovered that Graham’s radial head fracture was too fragmented for reconstruction. Prepared for any possibility, Dr. Bourget-Murray performed what repairs were possible and replaced Graham’s radial head with a prosthetic. Lasting just over an hour, the surgery was deemed successful.
Through consistent physiotherapy and a fierce determination to restore his mobility, Graham has made remarkable progress in his recovery journey, exceeding the expectations set by his medical team. If one were to watch him golf, they would hardly believe he had ever been injured.,
“I am extremely grateful for the wrap-around care I received at Royal Inland Hospital. Thanks to the expertise of RIH’s medical team, I can continue enjoying the sports and activities I love. This summer, you’ll definitely find me on the golf course—perhaps with my brand new elbow giving me a competitive edge!” – Graham O’Connor, Grateful Patient.
When you support the RIH Foundation, you are helping people with injuries like Graham, get back to doing the activities they love. If you would like to support the life-changing care at Royal Inland Hospital, consider making a donation today!